Point Pelee Padmasana

Early summer morning rises over the southernmost point of the Canadian mainland. It won’t linger long as somewhere to the west, at the same latitude, California waits for that very blush of rose. Point Pelee stretches out into the grey waters of Lake Erie. The Carolinian woodlands, home to over 300 bird species, run back to rest in the soft currents of marshland. A boardwalk winds through the cattails and the swallows gossip and fight under the observation tower taking turns heading out over the marsh to hunt for a bite to eat. A splash of water and ripples spread out in concentric rings as a bass takes to the air for its repast. Brilliant jewels propelled by the delicate filament of their wings flash in the early morning light as squadrons of dragon and damsel flies lead the way out onto the wooden path.

The water and the sky are full of comings and goings as the denizens of the marsh go about their business. Even though the air is full of sound, underneath it all, there is a weight and a silence that is the real voice of the marsh. The earliest recognized passage of man through this area is AD 600 so we know that it is at least several thousand years old. In the early morning light it isn’t hard to believe that it might be as old as the whole world itself.

The weather beaten ribbon of boardwalk demarks the green, twisting and turning through the sedge that towers overhead. Each curve is a blind step into the unknown. Breasting a slight incline I almost trip over a man sitting just on the other side in the hollow of the decline. Bare-chested, tan and slender, he is seated on the right side of the boardwalk in the classic lotus position. Beside him on the boardwalk lays an open notebook, the written worlds inspired by the morning and his meditation dark on the bleached white page. His voice is a soft grey green, a whisper like the waters of the marsh lapping the wood beneath him. The boardwalk rises up and curls away as I leave him behind to carry on interpreting the weight and silence of the water soaked land and endless blue sky. 

The blade of a paddle breaks the water as a kayak heads out through the channel towards the deeper waters of Lake Erie. The swallows chatter on and a heron wings its way out over the expanse of rushes and water.

29 thoughts on “Point Pelee Padmasana

  1. so so lovely. and what a perfect spot for sitting lotus and birthing words. nice nice.
    and furthermore: YOUR HOUSE IS HAUNTED? SAY MORE!


    Did he startle you into yelping? I tend to be a little jumpy, so chances are, I\’d have wrecked his morning for him.
    And that bottom photo? The little tiny roundish things surrounding the big green thing? On the left bottom of the big green thing, one of the tiny roundish things has a few holes in it, and when I saw it, I thought, "Hmmm. That looks like a teeny weeny artist\’s palette. (?) Like a mouse artist could use it."
    I liked it. It was a happy visual.
    I remain…


    Good grief. I HATE how our names aren\’t at the end anymore. And I also hate that I misspelled "pomegranate."
    Bah. My happy visual is gone. Gone, I say!


  4. Very nice! I have missed your words Lorna and the photos are just beautiful . I hope you had a satisfying summer . This area that you speak must be really pretty in the fall .


  5. You have such a gift for painting pictures in my mind!  What a beautiful entry!  I really enjoyes the pictures as well.
    I\’m always glad to see your entries here and your comments on my blog.


  6. Very nice!
    I hope that all the spendor and beauty remain for our children and grandchildren to see!  I wonder how many of those birds will survive the bird flu and the mass elimination of birds worldwide.  I think it will all have a terrible impact on them and the future of many species.  Thanks for the nice way to start the day.


  7. Hey Lorna, thanks for the comment and concern lol. Just been really busy thats all, gotta get 3 hours kip in now cos Im flying at half 2 in the morning! Have to catch up soon:) Hope all is well, Craig xx


  8. Beautiful imagery, and images. You\’ve painted a lush picture in my mind. Writing like this keeps me coming back for more… I\’m looking forward to it.
    Abe Munder, the Wheeled Wonder


  9. Lorna,
    Lovely, as always… you have a real gift for taking your reader with you as you admire and revere nature.  I could almost hear the water lapping and the splish of the fish as he jumped and landed back in the water… the slight humming of the dragonflies as they buzzed around… so soothing and beautiful.  Thank you.


  10. Hello my name is Toad and I was wondering where in hell have you been ? I have been in a rut where I work 24 a day until I get busted for it . Tell you what …I will start writing regularly if you do …….?


    I hope that your ridiculously prolonged absence simply means that you\’re traveling the world, explaining to the masses how you were feeling as you painted the most popular piece in your exhibit.
    Otherwise, I\’ll continue to worry. Are you OK?


  12. Hello..I was just wondering if anyone knows what happened to toad…Im missing his blogs and his keen and sharp witted sense if humor.


  13. Still wondering where you are, how you are… even after being gone myself for over a month… I come back, check up on you, and… where are you?  I\’m missing your incredibly beautiful entries and your lovely photos.  Hope you had wonderful holidays.


    Yes, Melissa, it IS time she got back!
    I\’m glad to see you up and about, anyway! Now I\’m off to find your e-mail address!


  15. @ EdgyKay
    Glad to see you back Kay and in fine form as well. I realize I\’ve been AWOL but life has a tendency to be unpredictable. As per our last email exchange I have been "facilitating some changes" not all of them pleasant but I have been trying to find my way. I don\’t have a map yet but if I figure out a passable route I\’ll be sure to let you know.
    My camera\’s broken and the cold winds are howling but I do plan on updating soon. How about YOU???
    @Geek Girl
    Re: The Missing Toad
    I tried to access your space but it\’s restricted so hopefully you\’ll still see this… not that I can be of much help. As far as I can tell Toad has gone underground. He was somewhat cryptic but I was given to understand that he had made a decision to change pretty much the fabric of his entire life. I realize that\’s not very helpful but it is all I know. Wherever he is I hope he\’s safe and sound. Maybe when winter is over he\’ll pop his head up again.
    Wherever you are Toady stay safe and keep warm!
    I\’m here but not here at the same time. Things have been a bit bumpy but I\’m hoping that things will work themselves soon enough. Thanks for asking.=) I hope things are still looking up for you.
    Where am I? I\’m hiding from the cold. This past week the windchill factor was -31 and the drainage hose for my sump pump froze so daily bailing has become mandatory. Thanks for the holiday wishes. It\’s a very belated wish but I hope yours was a merry one as well.
    I miss that summer boardwalk as well. I think it\’s a lot easier to miss the north when it\’s lovely summer. The winter winds can suck the charm out of anything! ;P 
    What a wonderful compliment and then I don\’t provide anything else for you to read. Please accept my apologies. I have been writing but unfortunately it\’s taken on a much more commercial nature. I\’m starting to miss doing the fun stuff! I might still have a idea or two that needs to be painted in words. Who knows?!
    At the rate things are going I don\’t know that there will be anyone left who remembers those birds. I do try to have hope and hold to the belief that life (nature) is cyclical… it just could be that it will all come around again. At least I like to think so.
    You\’ve been particularly hard to locate lately…itchy feet?
    How are things in your new improved life? I received an email that was supposed to contain your holiday newsletter but it was devoid of any text. Was it a metaphor for "no news is good news"? 😉
    I\’m just a little sidetracked right now. The fork in the road is barely behind me but I\’m trying to make up a bit of time now so no worries.



  16. You should move somewhere more temperate, like Hudderfield lol. Glad youre ok hun, hope the family are well and great to hear from you 🙂 Take care xxx


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